Sunday, 14 December 2014

Analysis of the use of technical conventions from youth drama

Analysis of the use of technical conventions from youth drama

- begins with an establishing shot to show us the location. The camera zooms in slowly. It zooms into a mid shot
- arc shot to his face
-  close up to the back of his head
- long shot of him riding his bike
- tracking out shot with the camera following him on his bike
- POV shot of what he is seeing on his bike
- ariel shot before seeing the little girl jump on the trampoline, which is also long shot
- shallow focus on whiteboard on fridge that says -wheres Donnie?'


-  Jump cut to an ariel shot of mountains
-  cuts to him riding on his bike
- Pull focus of the Halloween billboard to him riding past it on his bike  
- cuts to his neighbours going for a walk together


- Very natural scene. It looks early in the morning. Donnie is laying on the floor in 'house clothes'
- Reaction to the accident is weird because hes laughing to himself
- as he walks out the screen, the title sequence appears and shines to white
- He doesn't talk once through out the title sequence
- the location was very secluded and empty
- diagetic sounds : his bike, location sounds including cars or chattering
- non diagetic  sounds : the upbeat music playing in the back ground

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